News from Siekerkotte

8 June, 2022
Practical tips for the control of power-to-heat plants
Power-to-heat (P2H) systems must meet various requirements imposed on them by direct marketers, local energy suppliers, local heat consumers, and the heating system’s safety technology. At the center of this lie the switchgear and control system with its associated control program, which is a central element that coordinates these requirements and links all components together.
# Energy transition
# General
# Power-to-Heat
# Technology
# Trade fair

8 June, 2022
Control technology for electric heating systems!
Because of their increasingly complex process requirements, thermoelectric plants require control technology that regulates the thermal processes exactly according to the customer's specifications. This includes, for example, the customer’s need to keep network load as low as possible or to react quickly to throughput changes or external temperature fluctuations through self-optimization.
# Energy transition
# General
# Power-to-Heat
# Technology
# Trade fair

8 June, 2022
Siekerkotte certified as a welding company according to AD2000 – HPO!
As a manufacturer of electric heating solutions, Siekerkotte places great emphasis on the quality of its in-house welding shop. This joining technology is used as standard in a large number of the company’s product assemblies, as well as in the production of pressure vessels. Siekerkotte therefore regularly invests in the further training of its own employees.
# Energy transition
# General
# Power-to-Heat
# Technology
# Trade fair